

Back in "real" life since Tuesday.

The 8 days at the hospital were like a nightmare. I spent them in pain, being lost, not being able to communicate and not trusting the doctors and nurses. Something went wrong during the operation, a jaw bone broke and now I am not allowed to do any sports or eat anything besides something fluid for 6 weeks.

I am still not able to speak much. My whole face is deaf, I do not feel anything. I feel like a disabled person...

I am so happy about the people who visited me during the hospital stay. Endlessly happy to have such trustworthy and kind friends. :-)

Spending my days mostly with going for walks and sleeping. There is not much energy in my body and the mind still has to come to peace with the things I have experienced and seen during the hospital stay.

Hoping to feel like a human being again next week.

a not so ordinary life in vienna

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